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 Help Change A Child's World


Disaster Relief Assistance


This program event runs continually and annually to provide children and families suffering the devastating agony of natural disasters and massive tragedies with survival aid. Through grants, donations, and partnerships, and with the help of dedicated and loyal volunteers, food, water, coats, shoes, clothes, blankets, household, health, and educational items are collected and assembled for immediate relief to children fighting to survive emergency circumstances.


There have been over two hundred recent disasters in America alone. Including, a continual Southwestern drought that is reducing food supplies, catastrophic winter storms that have left the Northeast crippled, massive tornadoes and flooding through Midwest and Central states, out of control Western fires ravaging thousands of acres of life sustaining land, and South and Eastern hurricanes devastating coastlines.


Children and families are lost and destroyed each time disaster strikes. Recovery time following the initial disaster is a lifetime for those who suffer the loss of children and siblings.

Disaster Relief Trucks
Disaster Relief


Recovery time following an initial disaster is a lifetime for those who suffer the loss of children and siblings. Disaster relief continues for the children and families who suffer and rebuild.


Your tax deductible donation of a truck can help change a child's world who has suffered and survived a disastrous event.

Disaster Relief Aid Collection
Collect And Donate


Children and families are lost and destroyed each time disaster strikes. Natural disasters destroy constructed housing and wipeout years of a family's existence.


Corporate collection partnerships allow survival aid to reach a child with the greatest of speed. Your assistance with a single donation or the collection of many is needed.

Disaster Relief Aid Volunteer
Donate Time


We appreciate so very much all of our dedicated and loyal champions who sponsor the resources, time, employees, and experience that is required to supply children and families with disaster relief aid.


We welcome all donations that can ultimately help a child survive one more night. You can make a difference.

Disaster Relief Aid Water
Donate Water


Life sustaining water supplies and utilities are interrupted when disaster strikes. Our great thanks to all those who respond with donations of water immediately.


Disaster survival aid is usually a response following a disastrous event. Please be prepared. Donations in advance of a disaster can mean the life of a child.

Disaster Relief Aid Shipping
Donate Funds


Thank you so very much for the efforts and due diligence of the parcel services who work so very hard to to aid us with discounts, guidance, and speed in the delivery of timely disaster survival aid.


Corporate parcel service partnerships make a tremendous difference in a child's recovery from a traumatic event.

Disaster Relief Aid Monetary
Monetary Donations


Catastrophic events and natural disasters wipeout food supplies. Food survival aid remains a central focus of Help Change A Child's World Disaster Relief Aid.


A single dollar goes a long way to aid children with food during a disaster. Please seek to find a way to help change a child's world when disaster strikes.

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